
Do you only treat kids with meds?

Absolutely not. A child and adolescent psychiatrist is treated in all modalities of evaluation & treatment of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. This includes psychotherapy (“talk therapy”) only, medications only, new interventional psychiatry treatments, and combination treatments. It is up to the parent/guardian to make a decision about their child’s well being - as your child’s physician, I only make recommendations.


How are you different from a psychologist?

A psychiatrist is a physician who has completed 4 years of medical school and graduated with a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree. A psychologist is not a physician, but a professional who has completed a doctoral degree in psychological sciences, most commonly a Ph.D., or a Psy.D. Physicians study the human body and disease with a focus on the biology, whereas psychologists have a completely different training in understanding human behavior. While psychiatrists can offer both psychotherapy, medication and interventional treatments, psychologists provide psychotherapy.


Do you take insurance?

In order to take care of my patients at the highest standards of practice, I have elected not to participate in any healthcare insurance plans. I do, nevertheless, provide what is known as a “SUPERBILL”, which you may submit to your insurer for out of network benefits coverage. In 2008, the US Congress passed the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) to ensure equal coverage of treatment of all medical conditions (psychiatric and non-psychiatric). Unfortunately, as evidenced by numerous class action lawsuits, psychiatric health continues to receive far lower levels of benefit coverage.


What kinds of psychotherapies do you offer?

I am fully trained in: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), Supportive & Pragmatic Psychodynamic Therapy, Family Therapy. I frequently combine psychotherapy & medications. This is extremely beneficial, because the same clinician, who happens to be a physician and a therapist, can treat you or your child with both medications and psychotherapy.


Do you offer “integrative” / “holistic” or natural treatments?

I am very open to more “holistic” therapies such as fish oil for ADHD, N-acetyl cysteine for skin picking, nail biting and anxiety disorders. I will always present the evidence for each over the counter or natural treatment. If any treatments from this category are potentially harmful, I will explain in very basic terms the dangers of pseudotreatments such as chelation for autism, or the lack of any demonstrable benefit from other, less harmful treatments.